All That Glitters

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bad Luck!

Well, as the title of this post illustrates, I have run into some bad luck this week. Nothing monumental, its just one of those situations where a lot of little things come together to ruin your day.

It all started Monday morning. I thought my schedule at work was to be only Monday night and Saturday, so I was planning on having an easy work week to correspond with a busy school week. I had a midterm to do, plus the regular week's homework. I also have a second interview with an insurance company in Springfield on Monday (I am moving to Marshfield now, in case you haven't heard. Right now I am still working in Warsaw.), so that adds a little stress to the week.

Monday I got up to head to the ranch and feed horses. While everything with the horses and babies went smoothly that morning, I managed to pinch my finger in a gate, resulting in a blood blister that I had to pop a few times. I also got stung by a wasp on my upper arm.

I got home and made my breakfast and was excited for a day to lounge until I had to work at 4. Shortly after 10, I got a text from my assistant manager at work asking if I was coming in, as I was supposed to be there at 10. I went ahead and got ready and went into work, only to find that my easy 12 hour week had turned into a 30 hour week. I don't mind the extra hours, but it would have been nice to know.

Work went by slowly but surely, and I got home for the night. I tried to fire up my nook to read, and it was frozen. I had some issues with that a couple of weeks ago, but resolved them. No cheese this time though. The nook is now enroute back to its home to get fixed.

Tuesday morning at the ranch, I let a horse escape (on accident, of course), and had to chase her down. She only got out into the alley that runs between paddocks, so she couldn't have gotten OUT out, but I still had to chase her down.

I had to go to work again as soon as I got home, so I warmed some biscuits from the day before while I was getting ready. As I was getting them out of the oven, I burned my arm on the cookie sheet. Then, while changing clothes, I noticed that my wasp sting from the day before had created a giant red welt that stretched almost from elbow to shoulder, and it was itchy and hot to boot.

After work, Sam and I had horse riding lessons in Cole Camp. We got there a little late and got our horses tacked up. About 30 seconds into our ride, my horse tripped and fell down to her knees, sending me in front of the saddle and hanging off of the side of her neck. I managed to right myself back to the middle of her, but I was still in front of the saddle. The horse put her head down, and I though to myself (quote) "I'm going to be a baller and just slide down her neck and land on my feet." I started to slide, and I thought I was going to make it when my center of gravity suddenly transferred to my head, and I faceplanted right into the dirt. We all had a good laugh after that one, but I was a little sore on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, thankfully, my day went fine and my streak of bad luck was over. Hopefully that maxed me out for a while.

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